car dream We were entering a parking lot. I was driving my car and Chris was in the passenger seat, windows down. More open air than the parking lot I use now, although it is open spaces across from garages. As we enter, we pass a bright orange convertible ... thing (possibly a VW Thing actually) with four guys in it, sitting there listening to music. Chris is annoyed with them and leans out his window. "Hello, officers," he sneers - clearly a derogatory reference to the idea that they are police officers allowed to sit in their car doing nothing, being a nuisance. They shout something back as I drive away, and I feel irritated as they weren't really being a nuisance, so why bother instigating anything? Live and let live, I say. I park in my open space, facing out, as I usually do, across from a garage. The four guys walk up, still shouting, and Chris shouts back, and it escalates, though I don't remember what they say. Finally one of the guys is mad enough: he opens the garage door opposite - it's his - and gets in his silver sedan. He's going to ram us. Chris realizes this is going too far. He gets out and stands in front of the car. "You'll have to get through me first!" he shouts. The silver sedan comes within inches of his legs. The engine revs. I'm watching from the side; I'm not in the car. To everyone's horror, I think, the driver finally goes all the way, pushes through Chris' legs, and begins to crush in the front of my brand new car. (It looks like a cross between my actual car and an Alfa 156 or maybe an old BMW, with two discrete headlamps with metal trim and black grille vanes.) The force of the crush dislodges the headlamps and they begin to point in different directions. The guys run into the building. Inexplicably fine (or maybe I simply never inquire about Chris' well-being; in any case, I seem not to care), Chris runs in after them, and I follow a little ways. I am livid. Thinking of his original needless instigation, I shout after Chris, "I've had enough of your stupid bullshit!" I look back at my crumpled car and shout "GOD DAMMIT," quite sure that's the loudest and clearest I've ever shouted it. Then some other stuff happens, and some friends bring me some really big wands so I can get revenge if I want to. This is when I begin to feel much better, as I remember we can do magic and I can just make Chris fix the car that way.